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Board of Directors Opportunities

Connections is looking for Board Members!


Knowledge and experience in business, finance, construction, fund development and marketing/advertising are an asset.

Please contact us if you are interested at


Consider servicing your community and supporting the healthy development of families with young children aged 0-6 years of age.

Connections Early Years Family Centre Board of Directors (the “Board”) is looking for community volunteers with governance knowledge and diverse talents to join the Board. The Board is comprised of  volunteers who meet on a monthly basis and participate in various standing committees.

Ideal candidates will have the following qualifications:

  • Knowledge and skills in one or more areas of board governance
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong research, analytical, and critical-thinking skills
  • Personal qualities of integrity, skills to work positively and effectively with others, open-minded and a passion supporting the healthy development of families with children 0-6 years of age

Board responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring program and policies are implemented in a professional and accountable manner
  • Ensuring systematic linkages with the community
  • Representing and protecting the interest of the people whom the Center serves.

To become a Board Member, candidates must successfully complete the nomination process which includes an interview, criminal reference check and orientation.

If you are interested in becoming part of our Board please send your expression of interest by email to  For additional information about becoming a Board Member please contact us 519.252.9696.

We would like to thank you in advance for your interest in volunteering at Connections Early Years Family Centre.

Our Mission: Connections Early Years Family Centre aims to provide support, resources and individualized services to promote the early learning and healthy development of families and their young children (0 – 6 years old).